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🗓 06/08/2019 👤 Laura Wittmann

The power of high-performance blenders

High-performance blenders can chop almost anything and can help you in the kitchen. Find out more about their advantages here.

The power of high-performance blenders

Whether smoothies, soups, shakes, dips or crushed ice - no problem with a high-performance blender! Even harder foods, such as nuts, are no obstacle for these powerful appliances.

What is a high-performance blender?

First of all: A high-performance blender can do more than a simple household blender or smoothie maker, for example. High-performance blenders are designed for continuous use and - as the name suggests - high performance. This means that they last a long time, even with demanding blends. These criteria are particularly important for companies working in the food sector, but also for private individuals who like to work a lot with their blender in the kitchen. Are you considering buying a high-performance blender for your kitchen? We'll show you why it's a good idea.

High performance

High-performance blenders not only have larger blades than household blenders, but also deliver more power (1,000 watts upwards) thanks to a larger motor. Higher speeds are also achieved. The blades of a high-performance blender rotate at an incredible speed (from approx. 18,000 revolutions per minute or more).

Resilient and high capacity

Of course, there are different sizes and shapes of blender jugs on the market. However, high-performance blenders can generally cope with significantly larger portions of food compared to conventional kitchen blenders. Even when the blender jug is completely full, the food is reliably chopped - even hard or frozen ingredients can be blended.

Fast preparation

The preparation time for certain dishes is significantly reduced with a high-performance blender. Thanks to its high performance, you can, for example, produce fine nut flour from whole nuts or turn ice cubes into crushed ice in just a few seconds. This means you can save a lot of time with certain dishes.

Chops reliably and gently

Say goodbye to lumps and chunks - with a high-performance blender, food is chopped evenly and intensively, resulting in a very fine consistency. At the same time, the fast chopping is gentle on the food used.

Flavor intensity

Compared to a conventional household blender, the components of the ingredients are broken down more finely in a high-performance blender. This ensures that the flavors of the chopped food are more pronounced. This means that, on the one hand, the creamy consistency of the mixture feels pleasant in the mouth and, on the other hand, the taste of the blended food is particularly impressive.

Versatile application options

You can use your high-performance blender in a variety of ways. It can be a real help in all kitchen processes. Here are some tips:


Although a high-performance blender is not an ice cream maker, it can also chop frozen fruit or ice cubes without any problems. As you can use the appliance to chop the frozen ingredients very quickly before they melt, you can create delicious ice creams. Simple blenders often don't have enough power to cope with the tough ice cream mixture and take too much time to defrost the ingredients.


Of course you can also prepare a smoothie with a simple kitchen blender. However, recipes for green smoothies in particular contain leafy vegetables whose tough fibers are often difficult to handle with a normal blender. With a high-performance blender, you can also get spinach, kale and co. small and creamy. You can also save yourself the trouble of chopping all the ingredients, as it can easily cope with larger portions.

Nut butter

For nut butter, you definitely need a powerful blender so that the hard nuts are really small and can be processed until the oil from the nuts can escape. Alternatively, you can soak the nuts overnight to shorten the blending process. Place the (soaked) nuts of your choice in the blender jug. In the first step, it is best to blend the nuts for approx. 10 seconds on a medium setting, by which time the nuts will already be chopped and have a tendency to turn into nut flour. You can always leave the blender running for approx. 60 to 90 seconds, pause, push the nut mass that has splashed up from the inner wall downwards and repeat the process. The number of passes depends on how powerful your blender is and how creamy you want your puree to be.our tip: Try out nut mixes for your next nut puree. How about coconut and almond date puree, for example? All you need is coconut chips, almond kernels and dates.

Plant drink

You can easily make your milk alternative with a high-performance blender. You can also make the amount you need and know exactly which ingredients are in it and which are not.
To prepare a cashew drink, soak the cashews in water for several hours. Then drain the cashews and blend them together with fresh water in a high-speed blender on the highest setting until a uniform liquid is obtained. You can strain this using a nut milk bag or a fresh kitchen towel. Your cashew drink is ready! Also works with almonds, walnuts and co.

Spread, pesto, dip and more

Creamy pastes can also be easily prepared in a high-performance blender. Simply place all the ingredients of your recipe in the blender jug and blend until the right consistency is achieved.

Ground ingredients

Although a high-performance blender cannot compete with a professional grinder, it is still possible to finely grind grain, coffee beans or similar foods if required. The longer you grind the food, the finer the result. For a perfect result, however, we recommend our electric grinder for coffee and spices.