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Organic risotto rice 5kg

CHF 23.00

CHF 4.60 per 1 kg

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • Klebriger Rundkornreis
  • Sorte: Arborio
  • Für cremiges und sämiges Risotto wie in Italien
  • Bio-Qualität
  • 5 kg-Vorteilspackung
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Buy now: Organic risotto rice 5kg

Pizza and pasta are so often under the spotlights, when it comes to Italian cuisine, that risotto is often forgotten – which is a pity! If properly prepared, risotto can be an incredibly special and delicious dish. Creamy and soft, but still al dente, a perfect risotto will always make a great impression on your guests. But if you are always ending up with something mushy and porridge-looking, do not despair: you might be simply have been using the wrong rice. Buy white risotto rice from KoRo now! 

Which type of risotto rice?

Arborio, Carnaroli, and Vialone Nano are the original, traditional risotto rice types. The round or oval tiny grains contain a particularly high amount of starch, and they have the peculiarity of keeping their bite even when the result is soft and creamy; this combination is crucial for accomplishing the typical and unique texture of a perfect Italian risotto. In a traditional Italian risotto, olive oil,  Parmesan, and butter are a must, but if you want, you can easily make a vegan risotto recipe with plant-based fat and yeast flakes.  The general rule for ingredients is: Whatever tastes good is allowed. And because we love to give recommendations, we recommend white asparagus risotto, coconut milk risotto or a traditional mushroom risotto. 

Cooking risotto rice

The basic risotto recipe is always the same and takes just 20-25 minutes if well prepared: Do not wash the risotto rice beforehand and do not cook it normally in water. Instead, sauté the raw risotto rice in a pot or pan with onions in olive oil and/or butter. After a minute you can deglaze with white wine. At the same time, simmer 1-2 litres of stock or vegetable broth in a second pot. Add this(these) gradually to the risotto rice. The ratio of risotto rice to liquid is crucial: only add enough hot stock so that the rice grains are just covered with liquid. While the risotto rice is simmering on medium heat, repeat the process, stirring gently. After 20-25 minutes of cooking, the rice is done. If the risotto moves viscously from your cooking spoon, the consistency is ideal. You can round it off with grated parmesan and a little butter. 

Buy organic risotto rice

Apart from the right timing, a risotto of any kind stands and falls with its basic ingredient: top-quality risotto rice thrives above all in the fertile valleys of the Po Valley. The next time you visit Italy, therefore, you should not only bring wine and olives, but also a supply of rice in the boot. Alternatively, you can conveniently order real risotto rice online from us. Our risotto rice is organically grown, carefully processed and comes to your home in the low-priced value pack. So even on the most spontaneous date, you can show off your cooking skills. KoRo wishes you good luck and bon appetito. Buy organic risotto rice now!

Average nutritional values per 100 g
Calorific value (in kj/kcal) 1509 /  356
Fat 1 g
thereof saturated fatty acids 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 79 g
thereof sugar 0 g
Dietary fiber 2.3 g
Protein 6.5 g
Salt 0 g
Product number: REIS_007
Best before date 21.11.2026
Origin Argentina, Italy
Origin (Processing) Germany
Organic Origin EU-/Nicht-EU-Lanwirtschaft
Content 5 kg
Manufacturer KoRo
EAN/GTIN 4260654783711
Data sheet Specification
Organic control body & Organic origin
EU Bio
Nutrition traces Nutrition traces
Shipping Delivery time outside of Germany
Company KoRo Handels GmbH
Hauptstraße 26, 10827 Berlin
Storage Advice Kühl und trocken lagern
Ingredients 100 % Risottoreis* *aus biologischer Landwirtschaft
Cross contamination Kann GLUTEN enhalten
Trade Name Bio Risottoreis
Label note Ingredients, nutritional values, and packaging may change. For exact information, please check the product description.
Press & Resellers Download cropped photo
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Product number REIS_007 BAS_003 REIS_004 REIS_006 BAS_004 REIS_003
Content 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg 5 kg
Base price CHF 4.60 / 1 kg CHF 4.20 / 1 kg CHF 4.10 / 1 kg CHF 5.20 / 1 kg CHF 4.50 / 1 kg CHF 4.90 / 1 kg
Countries of origin Argentina, Italy Pakistan Italy Thailand Pakistan Italy


Italien der größte Reisproduzent Europas
Italien der größte Reisproduzent Europas

Hättest Du’s gewusst? In Italien befindet sich das größte europäische Reis-Anbaugebiet. Bereits im 15. Jahrhundert fand das wichtige Grundnahrungsmittel Einzug in die Gegend zwischen Piemont und Lombardei. Über 400 Jahre wurde in dem Flachgebiet, der fruchtbaren Po-Ebene, nur eine einzige Sorte angebaut. Mittlerweile sind es einige Dutzend, darunter natürlich auch hochwertiger Risotto-Reis.

Reispflanzen leben nur eine Saison
Reispflanzen leben nur eine Saison

Als Reis werden die Getreidekörner der Oryza sativa bezeichnet. Die einjährige Reispflanze kann zwischen 50 und 160 Zentimeter hoch werden. Aus jeder Pflanze wachsen 10 bis 20 schmale Rispen, die jeweils bis zu 200 Reiskörner tragen können. Ein Reiskorn besteht aus einem Keimling, dem Mehlkörper und dem sogenannten Silberhäutchen.

Anfang Mai beginnt die Saat
Anfang Mai beginnt die Saat

Meist von Hand werden vorgekeimte Reiskörner auf den Reisfeldern verteilt. Beim dominierenden Nassreisanbau wird das vorbereitete Feld im Anschluss unter Wasser gesetzt. Das Wasser schützt die Pflanzen vor Unkraut und Schädlingen. Zudem gleicht es starke Temperaturunterschiede zwischen Tag und Nacht aus. Reis ist ursprünglich keine Wasserpflanze, hat sich in den letzten Jahrtausenden jedoch meisterhaft an die Bedingungen angepasst.

Trockenlegung der Felder und Erntebeginn
Trockenlegung der Felder und Erntebeginn

In den letzten Monaten haben sich an den grünen Halmen Rispen entwickelt. Hier wächst der Reis heran. Je nach Sorte braucht Reis zwischen drei und acht Monaten, bis er geerntet werden kann. Sind die Reiskörner ausgreift, werden die Felder trockengelegt. Innerhalb weniger Tage verwandelt sich das Feld von saftigem Grün in schimmerndes Gelb-Braun. Die Ernte kann beginnen. Ein Feld nach dem anderen wird mit Hand-Sicheln geerntet, die Pflanzen gebündelt und abtransportiert. Mittlerweile gibt es zur anstrengenden, manuellen Ernte mancherorts maschinelle Alternativen.

Reines Gebirgswasser für Bio Risotto-Reis
Reines Gebirgswasser für Bio Risotto-Reis

Wenn die Früchte getrocknet sind und sich der Wassergehalt drastisch reduziert hat, können die Trockenfrüchte abgefüllt werden und sich endlich auf den Weg zu Dir machen.

Nach der Ernte heißt es trocknen
Nach der Ernte heißt es trocknen

Zwischen Ernte und verzehrfähigem Reis bedarf es noch mehrere Schritte der Verarbeitung. Nach der Ernte müssen die Reiskörner zunächst trocknen. Für die Weiterverarbeitung dürfen sie noch maximal 16% Feuchtigkeit enthalten. Das entstandene Zwischenprodukt wird ‚Roh-Reis‘ oder ‚Paddyreis‘ genannt. Die Reiskörner haben zu diesem Zeitpunkt ihre Spelzen noch. Sie bilden eine Art Schale und schützen das Reiskorn vor Umwelteinflüssen.

Der ‚Paddy Reis‘ lässt seine Schale

Ist der Reis trocken genug, wird mit der Verarbeitung in der Reismühle begonnen. Im ersten Schritt gilt es den Reis von den Spelzen zu befreien. Diese machen rund 20% des ursprünglichen Gewichtes aus. Sind sie beseitigt, kommt die eigentliche Reisfrucht zum Vorschein. Sie besteht aus Mehlkörper, Keimling und Silberhäutchen. Als Naturraus oder Vollkornreis findet Reis in dieser Form Einzug in die Küche.

Fertig herausgeputzt. In der Vorteilspackung geht es direkt zu dir nach Hause. Ab in den Kochtopf damit!
Fertig herausgeputzt. In der Vorteilspackung geht es direkt zu dir nach Hause. Ab in den Kochtopf damit!

Für weißen Reis, wie unseren Risotto-Reis, werden zusätzlich das Silberhäutchen und der Keimling entfernt. Dafür werden die Reiskörner meist an Steinen gerieben. Nach dem glättenden Polieren ist unser Risotto-Reis fertig. Er wird eingetütet und ist bereit, von Dir gekocht zu werden.

Price development

This is how the price has developed over time

All data without guarantee!

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Questions & answers: Organic risotto rice 5kg
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To give a risotto its typical 'sloppy' consistency without losing its bite, starchy rice varieties are needed. The three well-known and most important Italian risotto rice varieties are Arborio, Carnaroli and Vialone Nano. The differences between the risotto rice varieties are small but subtle: - Arborio is the most commonly used risotto rice. The grains are about 7 mm long, very round and thick. They make the risotto particularly creamy. - Carnaroli was crossed from the rice varieties Vialone and Lencino. The grains are about 7 mm long, slightly more oval and have a particularly high proportion of water-soluble starch. - Vialone Nano is a risotto rice variety that is still less known in Germany. Its grains are larger and rounder than those of Carnaroli. They have a slightly nutty flavor. Which variety conjures up the best risotto is probably a matter of faith. If the rice package is labeled as risotto rice, you are on the safe side.
Our organic risotto rice has a minimum shelf life of 24 months. When cooked, risotto rice keeps up to two days in the refrigerator.
The good news first: Yes, precooked or leftover risotto from the day before may be reheated. However, it is important not to leave the cooked rice at room temperature, but to store it in the refrigerator as soon as possible. The bacteria naturally contained in rice (Bacillus cereus) have no chance to produce dangerous toxins and you can easily store the leftovers for up to two days. The myth that mushroom dishes should not be reheated is also outdated today.
Yes, our organic risotto rice is vegan.
For a good risotto, you should make sure that the rice is explicitly labeled as risotto rice when you buy it. In case of spontaneous risotto cravings, it is tempting to replace risotto rice with a rice alternative from the kitchen cupboard. In purely practical terms, of course, it is possible to cook a risotto with 'regular' rice. However, not much of the typical creamy risotto consistency will remain. Unlike basmati, long-grain or brown rice, risotto rice varieties release starch when cooked. The starch that is released provides the creamy flavor of a risotto. In addition, risotto rice remains pleasantly firm to the bite thanks to its special cooking properties at the core.
The basic risotto recipe is always the same and takes just 20 minutes if well prepared: First of all, real risotto rice should be used. Due to the starch it contains, risotto rice provides the creamy and creamy consistency that makes a good risotto. Do not wash risotto rice beforehand or cook it normally in water. Instead, sauté the raw risotto rice in a pot or pan with onions in olive oil and/or butter. After a minute, you can deglaze with white wine. In a second pot, simmer 1-2 liters of stock or vegetable broth at the same time. Gradually add this(these) to the risotto rice. The ratio of risotto rice to liquid is crucial: only ever add enough hot stock to just cover the rice grains with liquid. While the risotto rice is simmering on medium, repeat process, stirring gently. After about 20 minutes of cooking, the rice will be done. If the risotto moves viscously from your wooden spoon, the consistency is ideal. You can round it off with grated Parmesan and a little butter.
If risotto is served as a main course, a generous portion of about 100 g uncooked risotto rice per person can be used. Accordingly, for a risotto for 2 people, twice the amount, 200 g - 250 g of risotto rice, would be quite sufficient. If the risotto is served as a side dish, the quantity can of course be adjusted, for example halved.
Risotto is a very filling dish. Served as a main course, it does not necessarily require a side dish. However, if something is to be served with it, ciabatta or baguette can be used as a side dish. A green salad is also suitable for risotto, whether with mushrooms, meat or fish.
Whether a risotto can be consumed during pregnancy depends on its preparation. Many risotto recipes use white wine. The short cooking time of a risotto, of about 20 minutes, may mean that the alcohol does not evaporate completely. It is not recommended for pregnant women to eat dishes in which alcohol has not been cooked or has been cooked only slightly. Parmesan, on the other hand, due to its long aging and storage (12 to 72 months), hardly contains the listeria or bacteria that are dangerous for pregnant women.
No, rice is naturally gluten-free. Gluten may be present in our organic risotto rice at most in traces (< 20ppm).
Yes, even dogs can eat risotto rice in a cooked state. Theoretically, rice can even be on your dog's diet every day. Only in case of diarrhea, large quantities of rice should not be consumed by a dog. If you have any questions about it, we recommend that you seek advise from your veterinarian.
100 g uncooked organic risotto rice have 356 calories (kcal).
Please store our organic risotto rice protected from heat, dry and not together with odor- or taste-intensive substances.
If children are eating risotto, the white wine can easily be replaced by additional broth. A sip of cloudy apple juice or diluted rice vinegar can also enhance the taste. By the way, moms with babies in the breialter can simply mix the risotto rice.
Our organic risotto rice contributes to the special taste experience of your risotto. It grows under the best organic conditions, is carefully processed and contains particularly high water-soluble starch. It is therefore ideal for creamy risottos of all kinds. Our organic risotto rice remains firm to the bite for a particularly long time.

What others say about Organic risotto rice 5kg


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1-3 star reviews 🙃



Moth infestation

Unfortunately, the last 5 kg of risotto rice was infested with moths. Too bad, bag disposed of. Therefore only 1 star

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very sorry that you received a faulty product. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find an email from you. In such a case, please always contact our customer service directly via the help section on our website so that they can help you with your request as quickly as possible. All the best from the KoRo team :)



Nothing to complain about!

Super quality through and through! Even the packaging is well thought out with zip.

Walter H.


Great, highly recommended

Very nice rice for risotto, best choice.



Moth infestation

Unfortunately, the last 5 kg of risotto rice was infested with moths. Too bad, bag disposed of. Therefore only 1 star

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very sorry that you received a faulty product. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find an email from you. In such a case, please always contact our customer service directly via the help section on our website so that they can help you with your request as quickly as possible. All the best from the KoRo team :)


Karin N.


Unfortunately we don't like it, it has a very unpleasant taste

We are koro fans, but unfortunately not of this risotto rice. We ordered it for the first time and it already smells unpleasant when cooking, and unfortunately the taste doesn't go away when we eat it either, making the risotto unpalatable. Unfortunately, we will have to throw the rice away. We didn't just cook it once, but the unpleasant taste was still there the next time we tried to cook it, which is a shame. Two stars for the value pack and organic quality.

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very sorry that you have received a faulty product. In such a case, please always contact our customer service directly via the help section on our website so that they can help you with your request as quickly as possible. All the best from the KoRo team :)


Louis M.



Format, taste, quality and price, perfect I recommend nothing to say

Sara P.


Super risottos!

Excellent value for money. Highly recommended.



As expected, the risotto rice is very good!

The organic risotto rice impresses with its outstanding quality and exquisite taste! Stock does not last long.



Gladly again

This is the second time I've ordered it.



Very good buy

Use risotto rice for hearty as well as sweet dishes and am very excited.
he cooks a little longer than other risotto brands - but does not matter.
Certainly not the last pack.

Nicole G.


Can be bought.

In my opinion, the price/performance ratio is good to very good. I have no complaints about the product itself, there is nothing to complain about.

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